Electronic Notification for Taxation and Property Assessment Communications Authorization Form

Required fields are marked with asterisks (*)

The City of Fort Saskatchewan is now able to send Assessment and Taxation Communications by electronic means as per Bylaw C9-22. To receive your future Assessment, Taxation Notices, and other taxation communications electronically, kindly review and complete the following form. 

Please note, this authorization must be signed by the taxpayer whose name appears on the tax roll.  Once enrolled in the program, you will no longer receive your notice by mail. 

To submit this form you will need your Property Tax Roll Number. Don’t know your tax roll number? Search your address and access your Property Tax Roll Number here

Have you purchased this property in the last 6 months?

Terms and Conditions

I understand that notices/bills will be provided by email as a PDF attachment to the email address listed above and I/we will no longer receive a paper copy of the Tax/Assessment Notice. This authorization may be canceled at any time upon written notice.
I understand that it is the taxpayers’ responsibility to provide the correct email address and to inform the City of Fort Saskatchewan in writing of any changes to this email address.
I understand that non-receipt of property tax notices is not justification for late payment and penalties will not be waived as a result.

I have read, initialed, understand, and consent to the terms and conditions of the Electronic Notification of Taxation and Property Assessment Communications as stated above, and I acknowledge that the information provided on this form is complete and accurate.

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The information on this form is collected under the authority of section 33(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP) and is used solely for the purpose of communicating assessment, tax and other notices through electronic communications. Should you have questions about the collection of this information please contact the City of Fort Saskatchewan FOIP Coordinator at 780-992-6200.