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Downtown Development Grant Application

Supporting documents referenced in this application form:

Application Type:

#1 — Applicant Information

#2 — Property/Project Information

Legal Description:

Is the property located within the defined Program Boundary (as identified as Appendix “A”)?
Does this project align with the definition of New Construction included in the Brownfield Tax Incentive Bylaw C15-22?

Does the project contain a Residential Use that comprises of at least 50% of the total square footage of a building or a structure, and be either of the following:

a) A Mixed-Use Development that creates a minimum of three (3) Dwelling Units located above commercial use occupancy on the ground floor of the building, through either new construction or through conversion of an existing building from an alternate use other than Multi-Unit Residential Development or Mixed-Use Development; or


b) A Multi-Unit Residential Development that creates a minimum of six (6) new Dwelling Units and is at least two (2) storeys through either new construction or through conversion of an existing building from an alternate use other than Multi-Unit Residential Development Mixed-Use Development.

Is the property owned by a government or religious institution?

#3 — Project Information

Has a Development Permit been issued by the City of Fort Saskatchewan for this project?
Has the construction of the Project commenced?

#4 — Legal and Financial Information

Is/has the applicant, company or venture:

gone through foreclosure?
the Assessed Person, or the authorized agent for the Assessed Person for the subject property?
under a land use enforcement order in accordance with the Municipal Government Act?
obtained or will obtain all necessary City development permits/approvals?
in violation of a City development agreement or of the Safety Code Act?
in arrears or have amounts owing with regard to property tax, utilities, or other fees to the City?
in bankruptcy or receivership?
in compliance with terms and conditions or any grant or other finance assistance from the City?
provided false information or misrepresented the facts within the application, application process or during the term of the Tax Incentive Agreement?
in compliance with all applicable requirements of the City's Land-Use Bylaw, and other applicable legislation, codes, standards, and bylaws?
involved in litigation with the City?

Provide a detailed explanation, written and graphic, of the Project to be undertaken, a site plan that indicates the location of all existing and proposed structures, and their context (less than 500 words). Additional information may be included under "Appendix B" of the application:


Allowed extensions pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, tif

#5 — Application Requirements

I am authorized to bind the corporation under the terms of this application?
If the applicant is not an individual, an agent authorization form or directors’ resolution must be enclosed with this application. Is this authorization enclosed?
I acknowledge the requirement to comply with the Downtown Development Grants Procedure FIN-015-A.
A Certificate of Title for the property subject to this application dated within 60 days of the date on the application must be provided. Is the Certificate of Title enclosed?

Collection and use of information:
This information is collected under the authority of Section 33(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (Act) and will be used in the management and administration of the City of Fort Saskatchewan’s Downtown Development Incentive program. Information related to this application may be disclosed as permitied or required by the Act. If you have questions or concerns about the collection, use or disclosure of your information, please contact the City’s FOIP Coordinator at 780-992-6200 or 10005-102 Street, Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta, T8L 2C5.

For Internal Use:


Approval by:

Appeal of Decision:
There is no method of appeal for a decision of the Review Committee or the Program Review Officer.